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Eat, Sleep & Dive®

By Wayne B. Brown / Aggressor Adventures | Published On August 4, 2022
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Eat, Sleep & Dive®

A scuba diver viewing rock structures

Liveaboard diving is unlike any other type of dive vacation.

Courtesy of Aggressor Adventures

My alarm clock is set for 5 a.m. so I can make the 10 a.m. flight to Atlanta, where I will connect for a 12:30 p.m. flight to Belize. Even after countless liveaboard adventures, I am still excited to get onboard and experience the liveaboard lifestyle once again. Liveaboard diving is an experience that’s unlike any other dive vacation. If you have never been on one, then it’s time you discover why liveaboard diving will change your perspective on what a dive trip should be! Aggressor liveaboards will transport you to some of the most beautiful spots in the world for unparalleled diving, unique experiences and unforgettable memories. What could be better than waking to beautiful sunrises on the water, stepping off the boat or tender onto exceptional dive sites, and then falling asleep gently rocked by the ocean?

Despite the early hour, I can’t wait for my trip, and my eyes open at 4:30 a.m. before the alarm goes off. I arrive in Belize City, where I am very familiar with the easy immigrations and customs process. My luggage comes out quickly, and I am on my way out the door. The Aggressor staff member in uniform is waiting with a logo sign that is hard to miss. Once everyone from the incoming flights (almost all arrive within minutes of one another) have been checked off the staff member’s list, we board the air-conditioned bus for the 10-minute ride to the Aggressor liveaboard.

As we board, we are welcomed by the captain with a friendly smile and sincere handshake. The staff has already loaded our luggage, and we are shown directly to our stateroom, which includes a briefing of the amenities and safety features. We are asked to set up our dive and camera gear just in case something has been broken or forgotten, so there is time to correct it before leaving the dock. We choose one of the many personal dive stations that are available, and before long, we are ready to dive. The dive deck information board has the time of the captain’s welcome and safety briefing, and the dining area is stocked with drinks and hors d’oeuvres if we need a quick refreshment and a bite to eat.

Once the captain’s briefing and the champagne toast is complete, it is dinner time. Tables are set with linen tablecloths, water and wine glasses. After we are seated, we are immediately served with freshly made hot bread and butter and a scrumptious salad! Our main course tonight is one-half of a perfectly seasoned and roasted chicken, truffled pommes puree and smoked asparagus. The wine offering is either a California Cabernet or a California Chardonnay, both made exclusively for Aggressor and our private label “Tidal Force.” The dessert tonight is a flourless chocolate cake topped with thick cherry sauce. Even though we have not had a dive yet, day one is off to a great start.

A boat anchored on the edge of a blue hole

The Great Blue Hole off the coast of Belize.

Courtesy of Aggressor Adventures

After a day of international travel and a full stomach, we all get a very restful night’s sleep. When we wake, the yacht is moored on top of our first dive site and the smell of coffee is calling our names. Hot coffee, juices and water are ready, along with a continental breakfast. The other guests slowly make their way to the dining room for the 7 a.m. hot breakfast. Today is eggs cooked to order, pancakes, bacon and griddle potatoes. The table chatter exudes all the excitement we have over making our first dive of the week.

As soon as we hear “dive briefing,” we know it’s time to gather on the dive deck. We have a choice of following the divemaster’s plan or heading off with our dive buddy for our own dive plan. We check our gear and nitrox mix, turn on our dive computers, suit up and make our way to the swim platform. The divemaster on deck checks that our air is on and helps us with our fins, and then we giant stride into the clear blue water of dive numero uno.

Every dive of the week will offer up unique and amazing critters, corals and fish life. After the first dive of the day, we return to the Aggressor where the divemaster on deck is waiting to take our fins and cameras as we climb up the ladder, take a hot shower on the swim platform and head back to our personal dive station where a hot towel is waiting for us. The chef appears with a tray of freshly baked and warm sweet rolls. Day 2 is already living up to the Eat, Sleep & Dive® motto!

We make Dive No. 2 of the day before lunchtime, when hot soup is served before the buffet. Today’s theme is “cheeseburgers in paradise,” and I could not agree more! Many of the guests lounge or download photos from the previous dives, while some of us will catch a quick nap. The Aggressor has slowly moved to a new dive site during lunch. The dive bell rings again at 2:30 p.m., and we have a new part of the Belize reef to explore. Again, after Dive No. 3, the chef appears with a tray of piping-hot homemade personal pizzas, Belize

A sea turtle

A curious sea turtle.

Courtesy of Aggressor Adventures

Everyone cleans up for dinner and another plate arrives that makes it seem that we are in a 5-star restaurant, and not out on the water scuba diving. The guests who are not night diving partake in the wine selection, while the rest of us hold off, looking forward to what awaits us in the dark below.

Having been on this dive site for the two previous days, we are comfortable knowing the layout and where best to find the nocturnal creatures of the reef. Returning after our night dive we are greeted on the dive deck with hot chocolate and “a little something something” (as the staff calls it) added in if desired. After a hot shower, we swap stories about the day’s diving. Our first full day of the liveaboard lifestyle ends, and it is happily repeated during the week until we are unfortunately at the trip’s final day.

On Friday, our last dive day, we get in the usual two morning dives before the Aggressor heads back toward Belize City while we enjoy lunch, dry gear and relax on the sun deck. Most of us are booked on an afternoon Mayan ruins tour, and as soon as we are tied to the dock, we are picked up by the tour bus and off on another adventure. After an amazing historical and cultural education, we arrive back to the yacht for the evening cocktail and thank-you party. The staff is dressed in their white uniforms and more hors d’oeuvres and drinks are served. A toast from the captain finally sends us off to dinner on our own at a recommended local restaurant.

Sadly, we have come to our last wake-up call onboard the Aggressor liveaboard. This morning, a continental breakfast is served before we have to depart at 8 a.m. The staff gathers to say goodbye with handshakes and hugs, our luggage is loaded, and we head to the airport. I am sad to leave new friends from around the world, and I will miss all the stories and photos we shared. There are so many reasons to take a liveaboard trip, especially if you’re a passionate diver like I am. Once you experience a liveaboard, you will be in love with the Eat, Sleep & Dive® liveaboard lifestyle.

PADI Instructor 174820

Wayne B. Brown

CEO Aggressor Adventures

PADI Instructor 174820