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Top 10 Things to Say to Avoid Being Buddied-up with Someone

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Things to Say to Avoid Being Buddied-up with Someone

1) "Wow, that's amazing! Lose one buddy and the divemaster just hands over a free replacement!"
Marta Evry of Venice, Calif.

2) "Certification? Didn't that come with the wetsuit rental?"
Tara of Manila, Philippines

3) "Don't worry about my mouth sores, we probably won't have to share air anyway."
Dave of South Haven, Mich.

4) "Hey, I'll bet I've spent more time in a recompression chamber than you have!"
Gerry Celia of Burlington, Vt.

5) "Yeah, I've been working on my air consumption. Now I can stay at 40 feet for 10 minutes!"
Dave of South Haven, Mich.

6) "The bends aren't that bad! My regular buddy should be out of the hospital anytime now."
Jayson Stoffman of Winnipeg, Manitoba

7) "I'm really surprised the doctors will still let me dive after my last stroke."
Morgs of Limassol, Cyprus

8) "My last dive was a year ago ... in my neighbor's back yard pool."
Michael D. of Vancouver, Wash.

9) "Dammit! I've spilled fish-blood all over my wetsuit."
Lincoln of Melbourne, Australia

10) "Damn, I forgot my corrective lenses. Can you point me to the water?"
Nick Termini of Santa Monica, Calif.

Diving Buddies


1) "Wow, that's amazing! Lose one buddy and the divemaster just hands over a free replacement!"
Marta Evry of Venice, Calif.

2) "Certification? Didn't that come with the wetsuit rental?"
Tara of Manila, Philippines

3) "Don't worry about my mouth sores, we probably won't have to share air anyway."
Dave of South Haven, Mich.

4) "Hey, I'll bet I've spent more time in a recompression chamber than you have!"
Gerry Celia of Burlington, Vt.

5) "Yeah, I've been working on my air consumption. Now I can stay at 40 feet for 10 minutes!"
Dave of South Haven, Mich.

6) "The bends aren't that bad! My regular buddy should be out of the hospital anytime now."
Jayson Stoffman of Winnipeg, Manitoba

7) "I'm really surprised the doctors will still let me dive after my last stroke."
Morgs of Limassol, Cyprus

8) "My last dive was a year ago ... in my neighbor's back yard pool."
Michael D. of Vancouver, Wash.

9) "Dammit! I've spilled fish-blood all over my wetsuit."
Lincoln of Melbourne, Australia

10) "Damn, I forgot my corrective lenses. Can you point me to the water?"
Nick Termini of Santa Monica, Calif.