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60:Second ScubaLab: Sherwood Brut Regulator

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On June 17, 2010
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60:Second ScubaLab: Sherwood Brut Regulator

sherwood brut

The Brut is a good entry-level reg at a very attractive price point. It uses a balanced piston first stage with a patented dry–sealed spring chamber that’s designed to keep the interior clean and free of icing. The second stage is a simple, elliptical-shaped, design with no user adjustments. During recent ScubaLab tests, the Brut pumped out some great work of breathing at the test breathing rate and depth that represents recreational diving. Click here for more information.Find this product at your local Sherwood dealer.

The Brut is a good entry-level reg at a very attractive price point. It uses a balanced piston first stage with a patented dry–sealed spring chamber that’s designed to keep the interior clean and free of icing. The second stage is a simple, elliptical-shaped, design with no user adjustments. During recent ScubaLab tests, the Brut pumped out some great work of breathing at the test breathing rate and depth that represents recreational diving. Click here for more information. Find this product at your local Sherwood dealer.