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Chris Jacobs of Richmond, Virginia (December 2006)

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On February 7, 2007
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Chris Jacobs of Richmond, Virginia (December 2006)

Chris Jacobs of Richmond, Virginia (December 2006)

Congratulates Chris Jacobs on being named Photographer of the Week

Chris Jacobs of Richmond, VA Age: 38 Years Diving: 20 years Certification: Instructor (PADI)

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Nudibranch Camera: Nikon D1X Settings: 105mm lens @ f2.8 Description: This was one of my first outings with a digital camera, in this case a Nikon D1X in a Seacam housing. Lembeh was so stunning for the tiny macro creatures I kept my 105mm Micro Nikkor in the housing almost all the time.

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Cuttlefish Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II Settings: 100mm lens @ f14, 1/200 sec Description: A lot of the time I was shooting against black sand backgrounds, which was very cool, but some of my most productive dives were in shallow coral reefs. This one was along the house reef right off Kungkungan Bay Resort.

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Mantis shrimp with eggs Camera: Nikon D1X Settings: 105mm lens @ f2.8 Description: This was my first trip to Indonesia, so I was truly amazed by how many interesting little critters abounded everywhere. It got so I would purposely pass by a mantis shrimp, hoping for one with eggs or something very unique!

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Frogfish eating scorpionfish Camera: Nikon D1X Description: I was photographing this yellow frogfish and didn't even see the red scorpionfish nearby. But, I guess he did because in an instant, quicker than a blink of an eye, he lunged forward and grabbed lunch. I was amazed to see it, and even more amazed that being there did not mess up the natural order of things. Still, it was kind of sad to watch, as all predation must be.

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Flamboyant cuttlefish Camera: Nikon D1X Settings: 105mm lens @ f2.8 Description: I had heard of the flamboyant cuttlefish, and knew it was one of the iconic creatures of Lembeh, but I was surprised how small they are. I guess I was used to regular sized cuttlefish. I wish I could have had something in the frame for size perspective, because this was really only about the size of half a cigar.

Dive Site: Key Largo, Florida Marine Life: Christ of the Abyss Statue Camera: Nikon D1X Settings: Lens @ 24mm @ f4.9, Sea & Sea YS-25DX Auto Strobe @ f8 Description: I have taken two photo courses from Stephen Frink in Key Largo, first the basic class and then the Advanced Digital class. For the Advanced class I wanted a bigger megapixel count than I had on my own D1X so I rented one of Steve's Canon EOS1DsMKII. The files were stunning! Now I'm hooked. I'll probably stick with Nikon just because I already have so many lenses, but I can hear that new Nikon D2X calling my name!

Dive Site: Socorro Islands Marine Life: Manta rays Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II Settings: 15mm lens @ f6.3, 1/125 sec Description: These manta rays kept circling in formation along the shallow waters of Roca Partida Island in the Socorros. Getting the balance of the strobe light for the white on the manta in the foreground and still pick up the second manta in the background was the hard part.

Dive Site: White Sand Ridge, West End Grand Bahama Marine Life: Spotted dolphin Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II Settings: 17-40mm lens @ f5.6, 1/125 sec Description: I run a lot, competing in marathons and such, so I thought I was in pretty good shape. But, that was before I had to sprint along behind a pod of spotted dolphins in the wild off Grand Bahama island. Now, granted I was pushing a heavy Seacam housing too, but it was all so effortless for them, and so comparatively difficult for me. Still, when I finally got the shot it was all worthwhile!

Chris Jacobs of Richmond, Virginia (December 2006)

Congratulates Chris Jacobs on being named Photographer of the Week

Chris Jacobs of Richmond, VA Age: 38 Years Diving: 20 years Certification: Instructor (PADI)

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Nudibranch Camera: Nikon D1X Settings: 105mm lens @ f2.8 Description: This was one of my first outings with a digital camera, in this case a Nikon D1X in a Seacam housing. Lembeh was so stunning for the tiny macro creatures I kept my 105mm Micro Nikkor in the housing almost all the time.

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Cuttlefish Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II Settings: 100mm lens @ f14, 1/200 sec Description: A lot of the time I was shooting against black sand backgrounds, which was very cool, but some of my most productive dives were in shallow coral reefs. This one was along the house reef right off Kungkungan Bay Resort.

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Mantis shrimp with eggs Camera: Nikon D1X Settings: 105mm lens @ f2.8 Description: This was my first trip to Indonesia, so I was truly amazed by how many interesting little critters abounded everywhere. It got so I would purposely pass by a mantis shrimp, hoping for one with eggs or something very unique!

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Frogfish eating scorpionfish Camera: Nikon D1X Description: I was photographing this yellow frogfish and didn't even see the red scorpionfish nearby. But, I guess he did because in an instant, quicker than a blink of an eye, he lunged forward and grabbed lunch. I was amazed to see it, and even more amazed that being there did not mess up the natural order of things. Still, it was kind of sad to watch, as all predation must be.

Dive Site: Lembeh Straits Marine Life: Flamboyant cuttlefish Camera: Nikon D1X Settings: 105mm lens @ f2.8 Description: I had heard of the flamboyant cuttlefish, and knew it was one of the iconic creatures of Lembeh, but I was surprised how small they are. I guess I was used to regular sized cuttlefish. I wish I could have had something in the frame for size perspective, because this was really only about the size of half a cigar.

Dive Site: Key Largo, Florida Marine Life: Christ of the Abyss Statue Camera: Nikon D1X Settings: Lens @ 24mm @ f4.9, Sea & Sea YS-25DX Auto Strobe @ f8 Description: I have taken two photo courses from Stephen Frink in Key Largo, first the basic class and then the Advanced Digital class. For the Advanced class I wanted a bigger megapixel count than I had on my own D1X so I rented one of Steve's Canon EOS1DsMKII. The files were stunning! Now I'm hooked. I'll probably stick with Nikon just because I already have so many lenses, but I can hear that new Nikon D2X calling my name!

Dive Site: Socorro Islands Marine Life: Manta rays Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II Settings: 15mm lens @ f6.3, 1/125 sec Description: These manta rays kept circling in formation along the shallow waters of Roca Partida Island in the Socorros. Getting the balance of the strobe light for the white on the manta in the foreground and still pick up the second manta in the background was the hard part.|

Dive Site: White Sand Ridge, West End Grand Bahama Marine Life: Spotted dolphin Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II Settings: 17-40mm lens @ f5.6, 1/125 sec Description: I run a lot, competing in marathons and such, so I thought I was in pretty good shape. But, that was before I had to sprint along behind a pod of spotted dolphins in the wild off Grand Bahama island. Now, granted I was pushing a heavy Seacam housing too, but it was all so effortless for them, and so comparatively difficult for me. Still, when I finally got the shot it was all worthwhile!|