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Top Ten Signs That Your Dive Buddy Hates You

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top Ten Signs That Your Dive Buddy Hates You

10) He gives you the "wait there" sign and you're still on the boat.

9) The Coast Guard seems very interested in that bag of "talcum powder" your buddy loaned to you for your wetsuit.

8) She "forgets" to close your dry suit zipper.

7) When you give him the out of air sign, he passes you his snorkel.

6) When you indicate you are low on air, he writes on his slate "I'll get you some" and swims off.

5) In an air sharing situation, you reach for your buddy's octopus and a note taped to it reads "out of order".

4) In your photos from the shark diving excursion, your buddy is the one holding the "tastes like chicken" sign with an arrow pointing at you.

3) He writes, "I hate you" on his dive slate.

2) You give him the OK sign and he gives you the finger.

1) He spits on your mask for you, but you haven't taken it off yet.

10) He gives you the "wait there" sign and you're still on the boat.

9) The Coast Guard seems very interested in that bag of "talcum powder" your buddy loaned to you for your wetsuit.

8) She "forgets" to close your dry suit zipper.

7) When you give him the out of air sign, he passes you his snorkel.

6) When you indicate you are low on air, he writes on his slate "I'll get you some" and swims off.

5) In an air sharing situation, you reach for your buddy's octopus and a note taped to it reads "out of order".

4) In your photos from the shark diving excursion, your buddy is the one holding the "tastes like chicken" sign with an arrow pointing at you.

3) He writes, "I hate you" on his dive slate.

2) You give him the OK sign and he gives you the finger.

1) He spits on your mask for you, but you haven't taken it off yet.