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Krista Voda

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On March 17, 2008
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Krista Voda


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Krista Voda


Clinton, Iowa

NASCAR Pit Reporter

Favorite Dive Destination:
Pennekamp Park, Key Largo, Fla.


Level of Certification:
Open Water

Krista Voda holds her own in the highly charged world of auto racing. Last year, she became NASCAR's first-ever female pre-race host. As a pit reporter, she soaks up the thrill of the race at work, and off the track she finds release in heart-pumping adventures of her own. Skydiving, trapshooting and motorcycling have all earned notches on Krista's belt, but diving is fast becoming one of her favorite downtime activities. "It's a great escape," she says. "It's like you get a visitor's pass to another world."

This small-town girl from Iowa never considered diving while she was growing up. "I went to the ocean once when I was 14--that was it," she says. "Everything revolved around land-based activities--never anything in the water." When a group of friends suggested they all get certified at a lake near her adopted home in Pittsburgh, Pa., Krista went along reluctantly. "I thought I probably wouldn't get too into it," she says.

She thought wrong. When she's not rubbing shoulders with speed demons, Krista daydreams of those perfect days when the water glasses over, the wind drops to a trickle and the reefs offer a cool respite from the hot asphalt of the racetrack. "It gets in your blood," she says.

Krista Voda


Clinton, Iowa

NASCAR Pit Reporter

Favorite Dive Destination:
Pennekamp Park, Key Largo, Fla.


Level of Certification:
Open Water

Krista Voda holds her own in the highly charged world of auto racing. Last year, she became NASCAR's first-ever female pre-race host. As a pit reporter, she soaks up the thrill of the race at work, and off the track she finds release in heart-pumping adventures of her own. Skydiving, trapshooting and motorcycling have all earned notches on Krista's belt, but diving is fast becoming one of her favorite downtime activities. "It's a great escape," she says. "It's like you get a visitor's pass to another world."

This small-town girl from Iowa never considered diving while she was growing up. "I went to the ocean once when I was 14--that was it," she says. "Everything revolved around land-based activities--never anything in the water." When a group of friends suggested they all get certified at a lake near her adopted home in Pittsburgh, Pa., Krista went along reluctantly. "I thought I probably wouldn't get too into it," she says.

She thought wrong. When she's not rubbing shoulders with speed demons, Krista daydreams of those perfect days when the water glasses over, the wind drops to a trickle and the reefs offer a cool respite from the hot asphalt of the racetrack. "It gets in your blood," she says.