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Pawel Edmund Lorenz of Poznan, Poland

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Pawel Edmund Lorenz of Poznan, Poland

Congratulations Pawel Edmund Lorenz on being named Photographer of the Week

  • Pawel Edmund Lorenz from Poznan, Poland
  • Age: 34 **
  • Years diving**: 4
  • Certification: PADI divemaster

  • Dive Site: Paradise Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Splendid toadfish
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.3, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: The splendid toadfish is endemic to Cozumel, Mexico. It has a zebra-striped head and a wide, bright yellow border on all fins except ventrals, which are solid yellow.

  • Dive Site: Palancar Caves Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, multi AF, EV:-0.5
  • Description: Palancar Caves is located south of Palancar Gardens Reef. It's a real must with its deep buttresses, tunnels, caves and immense caverns.

  • Dive Site: Columbia Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Hawksbill turtle
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, multi AF, EV:0.2, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Hawksbill turtles have two pairs of plates between the eyes. This distinguishes them from green turtles, which only have a single pair ofplates between the eyes.

  • Dive Site: La Francesa Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Green moray
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:0.01, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Green morays grow to eight feet in length; five and six-foot specimens are not uncommon. These stocky creatures vary from green to brown and display nomarkings.

  • Dive Site: Blue Angel Diveshop Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Spotted scorpionfish
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.0, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: These fish inhabit sand, sea grass and areas where algae is prevalent. They lie motionless, looking more like algae-covered rocks than fish.

  • Dive Site: Las Palmas Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Lined seahorse
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.2, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Do you want to see seahorses? They're just one thing you can find on Las Palmas Reef. Remember to NEVER touch these delicate fishes.

  • Dive Site: Blue Angel Diveshop Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Flamingo tongue on common sea fan
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.1, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Flamingo tongues always lie on gorgonians. They prefer clear water with some movement and often inhabit shallow back reef areas.

  • Dive Site: Palancar Gardens
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Anemone
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.3, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Anemones are very beautiful in Cozumel, but I miss the anemone fishes there.

Congratulations Pawel Edmund Lorenz on being named Photographer of the Week

  • Pawel Edmund Lorenz from Poznan, Poland
  • Age: 34 **
  • Years diving**: 4
  • Certification: PADI divemaster
  • Dive Site: Paradise Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Splendid toadfish
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.3, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: The splendid toadfish is endemic to Cozumel, Mexico. It has a zebra-striped head and a wide, bright yellow border on all fins except ventrals, which are solid yellow.
  • Dive Site: Palancar Caves Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, multi AF, EV:-0.5
  • Description: Palancar Caves is located south of Palancar Gardens Reef. It's a real must with its deep buttresses, tunnels, caves and immense caverns.
  • Dive Site: Columbia Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Hawksbill turtle
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, multi AF, EV:0.2, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Hawksbill turtles have two pairs of plates between the eyes. This distinguishes them from green turtles, which only have a single pair ofplates between the eyes.
  • Dive Site: La Francesa Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Green moray
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:0.01, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Green morays grow to eight feet in length; five and six-foot specimens are not uncommon. These stocky creatures vary from green to brown and display nomarkings.
  • Dive Site: Blue Angel Diveshop Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Spotted scorpionfish
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.0, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: These fish inhabit sand, sea grass and areas where algae is prevalent. They lie motionless, looking more like algae-covered rocks than fish.
  • Dive Site: Las Palmas Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Lined seahorse
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.2, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Do you want to see seahorses? They're just one thing you can find on Las Palmas Reef. Remember to NEVER touch these delicate fishes.
  • Dive Site: Blue Angel Diveshop Reef
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Flamingo tongue on common sea fan
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.1, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Flamingo tongues always lie on gorgonians. They prefer clear water with some movement and often inhabit shallow back reef areas.
  • Dive Site: Palancar Gardens
  • Location: Cozumel, Mexico
  • Marine Life ID: Anemone
  • Camera and Settings: SONY CyberShot DSC-P9, ISO 100, center AF, EV:+0.3, 100W Osram Xenophot 7Ah Li-Ion
  • Description: Anemones are very beautiful in Cozumel, but I miss the anemone fishes there.