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Bonaire Windsurf Place is Honored with Second Royal Visit as Bonaire's Windsurfers are Presented to Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On November 26, 2006
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Bonaire Windsurf Place is Honored with Second Royal Visit as Bonaire's Windsurfers are Presented to Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands

Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands honored Bonaire Windsurf Place with a visit during her tour of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.Kralendijk, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, November 16, 2006: Bonaire Windsurf Place has been honored a second time with a visit from the Dutch Royal Family. In August, 2002, Crown Prince Willem Alexander and his wife, Princess Maxima, made a stop on their Bonaire Tour to visit with sailors, tourists, and Bonaire residents on the beach at Bonaire Windsurf Place.

And now, most recently on November 9, 2006, Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands also honored Bonaire Windsurf Place with a visit during her tour of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. After two busy days of visits on Bonaire, the Queen concluded her tour with a stop at Bonaire Windsurf Place at Sorobon, Lac Bay.

Here, after being welcomed by owners Elvis, Roger, and Constantino, the Queen was greeted with fresh flowers by Julia Martinus and Jurgen Saragoza. She walked down the pathway lined with windsurf-sails, local children, and others eager for a glimpse of their Queen. On the balcony overlooking the beach, the Queen met the world champions and admired their trophies-both those who have just embarked on their windsurfing careers, as well as those who have already become world-famous.

The boys/men who were presented to the Queen were:

0-7 years: Serginho Finies
8-9 years: Jurgen Saragoza
10-11 years: Amado Vrieswijk
12-13 years: Ezri Heymansa
14-15 years: Bjorn Saragoza
16-17 years: Demenson Thode
Amateur Men 18+: Elton Frans and Evertson Frans
Champion overall: Kiri Thode

The girls who were presented to the Queen were:

0-7 years: Anais Pauletta
8-9 years: Chanel Vrieswijk

Then the Bonaire Kids put on a show for her in windy Lac Bay, followed by an even more exciting exhibition by professional windsurfers, including Tati and Tonki Frans and Kiri Thode.

Bonaire Windsurf Place is one of Bonaire's premiere windsurfing facilities and is located at Sorobon on Lac Bay. For more information, visit their web site at, email, or phone to +(599) 717-2288, or fax to +(599) 717-5279. Information on Bonaire's sailors can be found at

Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands honored Bonaire Windsurf Place with a visit during her tour of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.Kralendijk, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, November 16, 2006: Bonaire Windsurf Place has been honored a second time with a visit from the Dutch Royal Family. In August, 2002, Crown Prince Willem Alexander and his wife, Princess Maxima, made a stop on their Bonaire Tour to visit with sailors, tourists, and Bonaire residents on the beach at Bonaire Windsurf Place.

And now, most recently on November 9, 2006, Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands also honored Bonaire Windsurf Place with a visit during her tour of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. After two busy days of visits on Bonaire, the Queen concluded her tour with a stop at Bonaire Windsurf Place at Sorobon, Lac Bay.

Here, after being welcomed by owners Elvis, Roger, and Constantino, the Queen was greeted with fresh flowers by Julia Martinus and Jurgen Saragoza. She walked down the pathway lined with windsurf-sails, local children, and others eager for a glimpse of their Queen. On the balcony overlooking the beach, the Queen met the world champions and admired their trophies-both those who have just embarked on their windsurfing careers, as well as those who have already become world-famous.

The boys/men who were presented to the Queen were:

0-7 years: Serginho Finies
8-9 years: Jurgen Saragoza
10-11 years: Amado Vrieswijk
12-13 years: Ezri Heymansa
14-15 years: Bjorn Saragoza
16-17 years: Demenson Thode
Amateur Men 18+: Elton Frans and Evertson Frans
Champion overall: Kiri Thode

The girls who were presented to the Queen were:

0-7 years: Anais Pauletta
8-9 years: Chanel Vrieswijk

Then the Bonaire Kids put on a show for her in windy Lac Bay, followed by an even more exciting exhibition by professional windsurfers, including Tati and Tonki Frans and Kiri Thode.

Bonaire Windsurf Place is one of Bonaire's premiere windsurfing facilities and is located at Sorobon on Lac Bay. For more information, visit their web site at, email, or phone to +(599) 717-2288, or fax to +(599) 717-5279. Information on Bonaire's sailors can be found at