Trending Dive Spots: Blue Bead Hole

Mike HarterinkCarib Blenny and Blue Bead
Blue Bead Hole
St. Eustatius
There are several blue holes throughout the world, but there is only one Blue Bead Hole. This dive site on the southwestern side of the tiny Caribbean island St. Eustatius has a fairly flat, sandy bottom with patches of seagrass, rocks and corals. It also happens to be a haven for macro lovers, home to a variety of inhabitants including this rare Carib blenny (Emblemariopsis carib). The site is named for the blue glass beads that were used as currency among enslaved people on the island beginning in the 17th century. Legend has it that after emancipation in 1863, the formerly enslaved threw their beads into the sea to celebrate freedom.
Related Reading: Diving in Statia: More Than Just Blue Beads
Need To Know St. Eustatius, or Statia, can be dived year-round. Keep in mind hurricane season peaks in September. Divers fortunate enough to find a blue bead at this site may keep it.
Operator Scubaqua Dive Center (
Photographer Mike Harterink (@mikeharterink)