Located 16 miles off the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, the Civil War shipwreck, USS Monitor, is protected and managed by Monitor National Marine Sanctuary and is listed as a National Historic Landmark and protected as a war grave. Monitor National Marine Sanctuary is a unique cultural treasure for the most adventurous of skilled divers.
Sitting in just 30 feet of water off Panther Point in British Columbia, the Panther is a nearly 200-year-old three-masted clipper wreck teeming with marine life.
Dive with us in Western Pennsylvania, where we found a quarry with a secret you wouldn't expect. (Spoiler alert: It's a seasonal jellyfish bloom that never fails to dazzle.)
Don’t let the cold temperatures scare you away from diving this abundant underwater fjord in Washington. Designated as a marine preserve, this destination is the perfect place to see wolf eels, giant Pacific octopuses, lingcod and more.