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Ask a Marine Biologist

Do Dive Lights Harm Manta Rays?

Shining bright plankton-attracting lights is a common practice to lure giant manta rays for nighttime viewings, but can the seemingly harmless spectacle actually harm these gentle giants?

What Can You Do With a Degree in Marine Biology?

Many dream of being a marine biologist when they grow up, but what job opportunities are available to one graduating with a degree in marine biology? Expert David Shiffman, Ph.D. shares in his latest edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist.”

Ask a Marine Biologist: Why Are Polar Ocean Animals Giant?

In this edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist,” David Shiffman discusses polar gigantism.

Can Fish Survive in Both Fresh and Salt Water?

In this edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist,” Dr. David Shiffman discusses osmoregulation and whether fish can adapt to different environmental conditions

Sea Cucumbers: Everything There Is to Know

In this edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist,” Dr. David Shiffman discusses one of the ocean’s most likable echinoderm.

What Remains Unknown About the Deep Sea?

The latest "Ask a Marine Biologist" 

What Can Divers Do to Help With Ocean Plastic Pollution?

In this edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist,” Dr. David Shiffman shares what individuals can do to help fight the scourge of ocean pollution.

Tuna, Mercury and Bioaccumulation: Have Humans Made it Worse?

In this edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist,” Dr. David Shiffman explains the health reasons behind limiting how much apex predator you eat.

Does Flash Photography Hurt Marine Life?

Photographs of marine animals can educate and inspire. In this edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist,” Dr. David Shiffman discusses whether taking those photos hurt the animals.