The activist and conservation champion plans to use the award money for critical tools to combat illegal fishing in the protected waters around Malpelo, Colombia.
Scientists and researchers used the hashtag #WowScienceFact on Twitter to share the most interesting facts they've learned while studying nature and more.
REEF is hosting several lionfish derbies throughout Florida to help reduce the population of invasive lionfish in the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic.
As of January 2018, the oceanic whitetip shark will be listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act— this is the first shark to make the list in the Continental U.S.
More than 10,000 North Pacific humpback whales migrate from southeastern Alaska to the warm waters of the Aloha State each year to mate, give birth and nurture their calves.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has received a petition from a fishing group asking that the northwest Atlantic Ocean's leatherback sea turtles be listed as threatened.
DoE says regulations protect a number of species, including sharks and Nassau grouper. The 17th annual Grouper Moon Project will be undertaken in early 2018.